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Bloomfield College’s Annual Literary Magazine,
BC Underground (Spring 2022)

“Where Creativity Blooms”

Lisa Richlan

    A New Way

I sat upon a hill on a mid-February windy day,

In the cemetery by myself, yet I could hear the Spirit say,

“They are not here, the ones you love, their spirits did soar,”

Then the sun burst through and my head began to clear and it touched me to my core,

We are spirit, soul, and body, it’s hard to remember this sometimes,

We get so wrapped up in the here and now, we could easily miss the signs,

The gentle call from our maker, he just wants us to stay a while,

Sit and hang out with him in a still quiet kind of style,

Not asking for things in rapid fire but waiting on him to take us higher,

There is a door that we must walk through, it brings us to another side,

One that once we walk through, will change our whole life’s ride,

A room of revelation awaits us you see, one we must walk through,

Catapulting us into the spirit realm, which makes a better you and me,

But do we dare to believe it and trust this brand-new way?

Or do we fearfully back off from His mysterious gift today,

I close my eyes and breathe in the air, how refreshing it is to me,

Just the quiet of this hill, Jesus, his Spirit, and me.

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