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Bloomfield College’s Annual Literary Magazine,
BC Underground (Spring 2022)

“Where Creativity Blooms”

Precious Cousins

Battle on Saturn


“Planet rocks buy one get one free,” Clarrissa said. 


A woman comes over and asks “how much is it?” 


“Two silver coins,” Clarrissa responded. 

As the woman digs into her bag, Keanu Leath comes next to her, shaking his head.


“Tttt, too much for such worthless pieces,” Keanu said, holding up a rock. The woman looks up at him, nodding, and leaves the strolly.


“Keanu, why did you do that? I almost had a sale,” Clarrissa said irritatedly. 

“Because it’s true,” Keanu said, convinced.

“I sell rock with diamonds in the toughness,” Clarrissa claims. 

“What you sell are empty promises. How can someone spend so much as a copper coin on a promise that is so empty?” 

Clarrissa sighs with irritation.


“One more duel is what we need for the tournament to start. Anyone can duel. Do you want to duel?” the man spoke to Keanu.

“Nope, not interested,” Keanu said.

“I’ll duel with Keanu Leath,” Clarrissa stated.

“I don’t think that’s a great idea.”

“I challenge you to a duel for my benefit.”

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but it will only be for my benefit. Lots of people pay me to see my tournaments play out, and I pay the winner forty percent of the income from the tournaments.”

“Why are you hesitating?” 

“I’m not hesitating.” 

“Keanu Leath doesn’t want to take the challenge.”

“I will gladly take the challenge with a price…”

“What do you want?”

“I want to sell you and all your things.”

“I thought you said my things were worthless.”

“Then I’ll sell you, and leave your things for your family to sell.” 


“Everyone make your bets now. The tournament will start in 2 minutes,” the spokesperson said. 


Clarrissa walked to the side of the tournament.

“Let us help you put on the safety gear,” a woman suggested to the both of them.

“I don’t need safety gear,” Clarrissa stated.

“Neither do I,” Keanu claims. The woman gestures to the spokesperson to come. Then, she takes her leave.


“...Clarrissa, are you ready?” spokesperson said.

Clarrissa nodded, focused on having a threatening look on her face.

“Commander, are you ready?”

Commander Leath nodded, focused on beating Clarrissa. 


The spokesperson throws up a special dice illustrating the different games they must compete in during the tournament. The dice land and the first one shows the elevation sign. The spokesperson throws up a second sign that shows the fire sign.


“It’s a fire ant. Bring out the tables.” 


There are four men coming with two holding each table. Clarrissa and Keanu go to stand behind their own tables then. The spokesperson tells the crowd to count holding up the number of fingers. 


“3…...2…...1…..go,” the crowd saids. Keanu and Clarrissa put the fire ants in their mouths to chew and swallow. Clarrissa felt an insane amount of heat in her body from one ant. However, Keanu takes another roasted fire ant to eat. 


“Who’s gonna break?...Keanu places another fire ant in his mouth. I couldn’t even handle one,” the spokesperson commentates. “And neither can Clarrissa. She looks like she’s about to fall out.” 


Clarrissa leans on the table with both hands, but then with both elbows.

“...And down she goes hitting the sand.” Clarrissa passes out in the middle of the arena and is immediately carried away into an isolated, dark room.

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