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Bloomfield College’s Annual Literary Magazine,
BC Underground (Spring 2022)

“Where Creativity Blooms”

Marché Day Part 2: The Forest        



15 minutes later

Some forest in Haiti

SCENE: Rose, Ester, and Valencia are walking down a sunny route of the forest, looking for a village in the clearing.



    “O Bondye! Can we take a break already? We’ve been walking for hours.” 

                ESTER (rolling her eyes)

    “Hours princess, really? Its only been like 15 minutes.” (She is still pushing the wheel-barrel.)


“Tch, and how would you know, huh? I don’t exactly see a watch on you.” 

              ESTER (smirking)

    “It’s so easy that even a peasant like me would know.”


    “Just get on with it…or don’t, I don’t care.”


“Sure you don’t. Back in L'Asile, we would use roosters and bells to tell the time. When the morning rooster chants, we all would know its about 5am. From then on, someone would ring the village’s bell every hour --”


    “Well there isn’t any bells or chickens here.” 


    “I said roosters and I was getting to that. In between the hours, we would tell the time by how far the sun is across the sky.”


    “That’s a really resourceful skill, Ester” 


    “Whatever, so she can do something a machine can do better.”

               ESTER (giggling)

    “If you’re jealous, just say so,”

                VALENCIA (blushing and stomping)

                “Am not!”


                “Are too.”


                “Am not!”


    “Girls, please! Valencia, we can’t stop for a break, we got a schedule to keep track of.”

                ESTER (smiling)

    “But you wouldn’t know that princess, since you can’t tell time.”


                “That’s it.”  (She sits down on a large stone.)

                ROSE (annoyed)

    “Valencia, please get up.” (Rose and Ester stops in their tracks.)


    “No. I’m taking my break right now.”


    “Welp, you know what that means.” (She resumes wheeling the barrel down the pathe.)

                ROSE (yelling)

    “Ester, we can’t leave Valencia.


    “We’re not leaving her, she’s choosing to stay. In a way, she’s leaving us.”

                ROSE (threateningly)


                ESTER (sucking her teeth)


    “Valencia, I see some shade up ahead. We’ll take a long break there. I promise.”


“Whatever.” (She get up and joins the other girls. There was a somewhat divide between the sunny side of the forest and the shady half. The contrast made an almost straight line on the grassy ground. Once the three girls step into the shade--)

                ESTER & VALENCIA (almost unison)

    “Ou tande sa?” (Ester places the wheel-barrel next to one of the large trees.)


“Yeah, I do.” (Rose and the other girls could hear the sound of music and people further down the shady side of the forest. The girls moves closer to the sound.)



SCENE: The girls stumble upon a large market section within the forest. Women, men, and children are various shades of Black skin-tone, clothes and age wanders through the market -- selling, buying, eating and talking with each other. 

Vendors were lined their product on the forest ground -- some over blankets, while others were just placed on the ground. Other vendors had their products housed inside tents, so there were a sea of different color tents scattered throughout the main section of the market-place. 

A small band of men were playing bongos and every once-in-a-while, random passersby would dance along the beat. Kids were running around the area too. Many were begging their parents for money, while others were sword fighting with sticks or shooting marbles with their friends.





            “Guess this the place.”

                ROSE (confused)

    “But Madame Marianne said we’ll find the village to the right of the forest, not within forest.”


            “Maybe they relocated.”


    “But Madame Marianne would know.”


    “C’mon Rose, its not like Marianne lives in the forest. She can’t know everything that happens here. Maybe the village decide to have their market here.”


    “What do you think, Valencia?”


“Ki moun ki gen sousi, jis vann bagay la isit la oswa ou pa fè sa. Mwen pa pran swen.”

   “Honestly Rose, does it matter where we even sell the veggies--” (A random older woman in a blue dress walks up to Valencia.)

              WOMAN (Speaking to Valencia, smiling)

    “Bèl rad, I know a high-class tifi when I see her.” 


    “Finally, someone speaking my language.”


    “Where did you get your head-wrap?”


“Port-au-Prince, I only wear the finest clothes.”


    “I can tell. Oh no!” The woman points to Valencia’s green pattern dress. “Rad ou te chire.”

                VALENCIA (looking at her dress, alarmed)

                “What?! No!”


    “Don’t worry, I know an excellent seamstress here. Follow me.” (Valencia follows the woman).


“Wait Valencia, we’re not suppose to separate. Madame Marianne said--”


“Wi wi wi, pa separe. Rose, this is an emergency. It will only take a moment.”




“Just let her go, Rose. You need to relaxe.”


“But Madame Marianne--”


“Hey, do you hear that?”

                ROSE (confused)

“Other than the crowd of people?”

               ESTER (smiling)

“No, the sound of no whining”

               ROSE (smiling)

“Ester…that’s mean.”


“I’m not being mean, its just an observation.” (Another girl around their age or possibly older, wearing white t-shirt and jeans walks up to Rose and Ester.)

               TEEN GIRL

“Do any of you know how to play Domino?”

              ESTER (excited)
               “Do I!”

              TEEN GIRL

“Great, we need a sixth member. Come with me.” (Ester follows the girl.)

              ROSE (annoyed)



“It’ll only be for a game, Rose. Beside, it ain’t a game of Domino without six people. Go relax.” (Ester pushes Rose in the direction of the central vendor section.)

                ROSE (muttering)

“So much for sticking together.” (She walks around the vending section, scooting across the sea of people standing and walking through. An older woman wearing a tanktop and shorts approaches Rose.)


“Do you need help?”


“What? No, I’m just looking around.”


“Not that kind of help, child. You seem lost.”


“I’m fine, really.”

                WOMAN (pointing to a blue, nearby tent)

“Go to this tent. A great fortune teller is giving away free readings.”



Valencia’s POV

Inside of a large clothing tent


                SEAMSTRESS (inspecting Valencia’s head-wrap)

“No, no, no, this will not due.” 

                VALENCIA (worrying)

“Can you save her.”


“Its not going to be easy, but I can.”


“O Bondye, mèsi!” (She looks over the other clothes on display.) “These look divine, you said these are imported.”


“From all over the world, America, China, Brazil, you name it. Why don’t you try them out.”




“Yes, be my guest. I’ll be right back with your head-wrap good as new.”



Ester’s POV

Still outside, left-side of the market-place


                TEEN GIRL

“Atansyon, medam ak mesye. I found our sixth member. This is Ester.” (Ester on a foldable chair at the end of the table.)

               FOUR DOMINO PLAYERS

“Bonjour, Ester.”



                TEEN GIRL

“Okay I’m Angie, this is Jacque, Marc, Marise, and John.” (All the other players looked around Ester’s age.)

                ANGIE (passing around the dominoes)

“What brings you out here, Ester.”


“I gotta see some stuff.”


“Those other two girls you were with, they must be your sisters, yes?”

                ESTER (giggling)

“Did you get a good look at us? We look nothing alike. Beside, the day I’m relating to miss princess is the day I die.”


“The one with the headwrap?”


“Yep, she’s a pain. Rose is alright though.” (The last piece was pass out and the group of teens start the game.



Rose’s POV

Inside fortune teller tent 


              FORTUNE TELLER (Voice)

“Come in. Have a seat.”


“Hello.” (She sits down on the foldable chair.)

              FORTUNE TELLER

“Bonjour, I’m Mister Jean.”


“Enchante, I’m Rose, but you’ve must of already known that.”

              MISTER JEAN (chuckling)

“Maybe, what brings you here, Rose?”


“I don’t know. You tell me.” The Mister Jean gestures for Rose to put her hands on the table. She does so and Mister Jean stares deeply into the lining of her palms.

               MISTER JEAN

“You’re in need of guidence -- a Voodoo practitioner.”

               ROSE (shocked)

“You got all that from my palm?”

               MISTER JEAN

“I am a fortune teller, I am also the person you are looking for.”


“You’re a Voodoo practitioner?”

               MISTER JEAN

“Yes.” He show his own Book of Secrets. “I can be your teacher.”

               ROSE (taking her hands away)

“I already have a teacher.”

               MISTER JEAN

“But has she taught you yet?”


               “No, but--”

               MISTER JEAN

“You seem to be in an urgent situation. Do you really have time to be selling fruit when you could be saving your mother?”



              MISTER JEAN

“Just let me see your book and I’ll show you everything.”


“Madame Marianne says I shouldn’t trust anyone with my book.”

              MISTER JEAN

“Yet, she’s hardly teaching you about it, no? What do you say, Rose? Voodoo is a dying art and a prison sentence. Not many are willing to risk their lives to teach others.”

              ROSE (unsure)

“I--I need time to think.” (She gets up to leave.)

              MISTER JEAN (shouting)

“Well, be back soon, my offer will not be here forever.”



Valencia’s POV

Inside of a large clothing tent



“All finished.” (She shows Valencia the newly repaired head-wrap.)


“She looks good as new!” (She reaches out to grab her head-wrap, but the Seamstress hides it behind her back.)


“non non non, peman an premye”

                VALENCIA (confused)

“I don’t have any money. I thought-- you didn’t say anything about--”

                SEAMSTRESS (sucking her teeth in anger)

All you high-classers are the same, you think you can rip me off, huh? I’m not some charity you know. I got family to feed.”


“Yes, I know, look I have some veggies with me--”


“If I wanted some dingy vegetable, I’d get them from my own garden. I need some of equal value!”

                VALENCIA (frustrated)

“I don’t have anything else!”


                “Leave then!”

                VALENCIA (defeated)

“Wait.” (She digs into her dress pocket searching for her Book of Secrets.)



Ester’s POV

Still outside, left-side of the market-place


                ESTER (throws in her last domino piece)

                “I’m out.”

                MARISE (whistling)

“Wow, you must of won all the games back in La’zile, huh?”


“You know it. I have the best luck.”


“Well, we’ll see in the next game.” (Everyone else chucks their dominoes in the center pile as Angie mix them altogether.)

                ESTER (confused)
   “Wait, why aren’t you guys still playing?”


“Still playing? We lost.”


“No you didn’t. There was still 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place.”(Everyone besides Ester began to laugh.)


“I’m not sure about L'Asile, but here, its winner takes. There’s no 2nd, 3rd, 4th.”

                ESTER (blushing)



“Alright everyone, now’s the good part. Bring out your wagers.” (Everyone besides Ester began to bring out any coins or paper money they got and place them at the center of the table.)


“Miz? I thought we were playing for fun.”

                ANGIE (laughing)

“For fun? That was just the warm-up round.”


“Oh, guess I’m out then.” (Everyone besides Ester began sucking their teeth and groaning.)

                ANGIE (angry)

“Ester, I looked everywhere for a sixth member. Are you really gonna ruin a good game?”

                ESTER (shrugging)

“I don’t have nothing to wager.”


“Surely, you have something.”


“Maybe, I don’t know.”


“You better not put your dirty sneakers, Ester. You need to bring something of value.”


“Alright, alright, I hear you, merde.” (The groups began to cheer for her. Half-way pulling the Book of Secrets out of her pocket, Ester stops herself.)

                ANGIE (putting a hand on Ester’s shoulder, smiling)

 “Yeah, no need to worry since you were so lucky the first time around, right?”

                ESTER (tight smile)

“Right.” (Ester pull out her Book of Secrets and tosses it on top of the money pile.)



Rose’s POV

A deserted section of the marketplace


                 ROSE (debating to herself)

“Maybe I should accept. No, it wouldn’t be right. I’ve already asked Madame Marianne to be my teacher…But Mister Jean had a good point…But Madame Marianne never asked for my book before, and I just met Mister Jean…But what about mom. Ughh! I’m running out of time.” (Rose closes her eyes as she sits down on a stone that lay directly under the sunlight.)

                 ROSE (continue)

                “I need a sign!”

    Rose opened her eyes and found the forest barren except for herself, and two far-away figures she can only guess to be Valencia and Ester. But where is everyone else, the music, the people, the smell of food? They all just vanished. Rose quickly springs off the stone and out of the sunlight, and suddenly the entire marketplace reappears. 

                ROSE (continue)

    “What the hell?!” (Can’t quite believe what she’s seeing, Rose sits on the stone again to process everything. Right before her eye, the marketplace disappears again.)     

    “I’m going crazy, this decision is breaking my mind or…” (Rose gets up again and stares at the stone…directly under the sunlight. 

                ROSE (continue)

    “It's the stone!” (Rose goes to touch the stone, but once her hand touches the sunlight, the marketplace disappears again.

    “No, it's the sunlight. Better yet, this marketplace is an illusion caused by the shade!” (Rose sits down again to catch her barrens.)

                ROSE (continue)

    “This must be Voodoo, somebody’s controlling the shade…And I almost gave away my Book of Secrets! I gotta warn Ester and Valencia before they do too!” (Rose runs after the other two girls.)

SCENE: fin

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